
Requesting an Avatar
Designer Requests


AbD began as an avatar request site many, many moons ago. It will always offer this facility, regardless of how big it gets.

At present, there are two main methods for people to request avatars. Premades, and Designer Requests.

Premades Avatars that are created in advance, and offered already made. Once requested, the creator will replace the sample text, with that of the name specified in the request.
Designer Avatars

Avatars that are created from an image that is supplied by the requester. They can specify additional requirements, size, fonts used, style etc.

This page offers a little insight into how to request a designer avatar.

How to order a designer avatar
On the main forum, there is a section specifically for these requests. Each designer having their own board, so that requests can be made specifically to the designer of your choice.

Click here to visit the Designer Requests section

If you wish to request a designer avatar be made for you, this is what you need to do:

1 - Select the designer you wish to request from. (You can request from more than one designer at a time.)

2 - Go to their individual board, and read their ordering guidelines.

3 - Post your request, giving as much information as possible, based on that designers requirements. Including an image of your choice.

4 - Check back regularly, and when the completed avatar is posted by the designer, reply to the thread and leave feedback, also thanking them for their work.

It takes little time to thank them for the hard work they do. And its common courtesy. They take the time to create the avatar for you, so this is not much to ask.

Terms & Conditions
Each designer has their own set of conditions. Please make sure you adhere to them.

Additionally, we insist that under no circumstances, are copyright images supplied to the designers to make avatars from. Anyone doing this will have their request denied.

If you do request a copyright image be made for you, full written permission from the copyright owner must be supplied, as well as their email address. The designer will then check that premission has been granted, prior to the avatar being created.

Unless otherwise agreed, you will be required to host the completed avatar.

Finally, anyone found to be over-ordering avatars, will have their right to request these avatars removed. There is no excuse for being greedy. And lets face it, we can only wear so many avatars at a time.

Levels of Nudity
Many of the designers prefer to not work with overly naked images. please check their preferences prior to requesting.

Also, please do NOT post overly explicit images on the forum. If you are unsure, please PM the image to the designer, noting that it has been sent via pm in your posted request.

If anyone has any problems with these conditions, please feel free to mail me here: Click to email me.



Avatars by Design